Tuesday 29 December 2015

Understanding Deer Spray Made from an Extract

New Zealand has been farming certain species of deer for one particularly good reason: to harvest the antler. And this is not to be hung on the wall nor made as an ornament. It has an entirely different purpose: deer antler velvet spray.

Long been used in New Zealand and Russia for its athletic performance enhancing effects and in China and Korea for its medicinal properties, deer velvet antler has only been in Western consciousness because of the Ray Lewis debacle of Super Bowl in 2013. After the controversy almost everyone in the western hemisphere began asking about what deer antler velvet spray really is.

New Zealand’s veterinarians are the only ones legally permitted to harvest the antlers of Sika deer, moose, red deer, or elk. While livestock owners can perform the harvesting themselves, they are still required to be supervised by a duly licensed veterinarian. This is to ensure that the harvesting process will proceed as humanely as possible, with as less trauma and injury to the animal as possibly can. As such, anesthesia is used to tranquilize the deer and prepare the antler to be sawn off.

The antler should not be more than two-thirds the size of the fully grown antler. This is a fundamental requirement so that the antler is still pretty much composed of soft cartilaginous materials and not the hard fully calcified one. The cartilaginous nature of deer velvet is what gives it its amazing benefits in terms of cellular growth and tissue repair.

The harvested deer antler is dried then pulverized before individually packaged into powdered preparations, capsules, or even as aqueous alcohol extracts. Some European countries like Spain, Bulgaria, and Norway list deer antler velvet alcohol extract as a food supplement classified as biologically active. In most Asian countries, deer antler is either processed sliced or dried.

In the US, deer spray is now gaining recognition for its supposed cellular healing properties. Containing growth factors that stimulate the different protein building blocks that form and develop cells, deer spray has been used by many societies in the management of physical growth and developmental delays among children. Its effects on cellular growth, repair, and regeneration have been well studied to be beneficial in the promotion of optimum bone, muscle, and nerve growth.

It is for this reason that many countries in outside the US are using deer antler velvet in the management of a variety of orthopedic, muscular, and neuronal problems. Some of the world’s top athletes also use deer spray to improve muscle strength and cardiovascular endurance.

Deer spray. The extract that has been powering some of the world’s best athletes and helping countless others lead healthier lives.

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