Wednesday 31 August 2016

The Power Of Pure Deer Antler Velvet Drops

There was a time when people were not aware of what supplements could do, but that is not the case any longer.

Now, most people know the power of supplements such as pure deer antler velvet drops and what they are able to do. Here are the benefits.

Enhances Nutrient Partitioning 

There is nothing worse than not being able to maximize the nutrients that are consumed. Too many people end up wasting what they are eating because their body is not able to adapt and make the necessary changes internally. This is why it is best to give the body a boost in the form of these deer antler velvet drops.

They are a must and can bring about a change that is hard to deny and is one you can appreciate.

Easy To Consume

You will want something that is going to be easy to consume as that is a must. You never want to go through a solution where you are going to be wasting time and are going to have to continually stop to take them. This is not worth it, and that is why most people struggle with the solutions that are present in the market.

With these drops, you are not going to have to think about that at all. It is going to be as easy as you want.

You will know they are going to take a few seconds to consume.

Proven In Completed Lab Research

This is a tested option and is not one that has just come about. It has been around for a while, and most people appreciate the value they can get out of these deer antler velvet drops. Most individuals who take them note they can recover faster when they have worked out and can feel a burst of energy that has never been seen before. It is something that naturally helps them live a healthier life.

The results are not only seen in the short-term but tend to extend as time goes on. It becomes a good part of one's life.

With pure deer antler velvet drops, you can enjoy the pros of having a reliable supplement in your system. It is a supplement that is a game-changer and will make it easier on you to get more out of what you are doing in the gym or on a day-to-day basis.

Also read my previous post - Deer Antler Velvet vs Creatine: Which One Is Better

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Deer Antler Velvet vs Creatine: Which One Is Better

When it comes to deer antler velvet vs creatine, which one is better? This is a question you probably want answered before you buy one of those supplements. Let's discuss the benefits they both have to offer and then you can decide which one you should use.

1. Creatine Benefits- One of the best things about creatine is it is known for its performance-enhancing abilities. If you play sports or workout, then your performance may improve with creatine. In fact, this is one of the reasons people turn to the supplement. If you need a boost in performance, then consider taking a creatine supplement.

The supplement is also good for adding muscle mass to your frame. Furthermore, it helps people achieve strength gains and sudden bursts of strength. Let's not  forget to mentioned that the body naturally produces creatine. The supplement is ideal for those who want to gain strength, muscle mass and have more energy.

2. Deer Antler Velvet Benefits- Deer Antler Velvet supplements are thought to provide you with many benefits, which includes increase in muscle and strength, just like creatine. Some claim that the supplement improves general health, as well as reduce blood pressure levels, increase circulation and increase muscle recovery. Other potential benefits include more energy and endurance.

Some brands claim that the supplement can improve sexual health and reduce inflammation. Not only that, but there are more potential benefits, such as stimulating the function of the immune system and anti-aging effects. If you are looking for a supplement that may reduce inflammation, as well as help you pack in muscle and increase your energy levels, than deer antler velvet supplement may be for you.

3. Deer Antler Velvet vs Creatine- Which One Is Better- As for which one is better, that depends. If your goal is to pack on size, strength and have more energy, then you can't go wrong with either one. If you want more than that, such as improved sexual health and improved general health, then deer antler velvet is what you should take.

As you can see, both deer antler velvet and creating have their own benefits and both supplements are good to take. What you want to do is determine what your goals are and then you can decide which supplement you should use. Regardless of what you choose, one thing is for sure and that is you should get results at the gym.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Is Deer Antler Velvet Extract Safe?

All substances that are of foreign origin or are not recognized by the body as natural parts of itself are considered not safe. This is the general consensus when one wants to examine whether drugs, chemicals, molecules, supplements, and other products are safe to consume or not. This also holds true with deer antler velvet extracts.

The idea of a substance being safe or not is the similarity of its components to those found in the body. Chemically and functionally similar substances or molecules will definitely not pose any major reaction. If substance A found in the body is known to produce an effect, then a structurally and functionally similar substance B will be able to produce the same effects of substance A. This is based on the assumption that substance A and B are structurally and functionally similar.

Unfortunately, there is clearly no such thing as an exactly the same substance except for the substance itself. If substance A and B are essentially the same, then there is no more need for a substance B, is there? But since there is a substance B, it only goes to show that there are some differences, small as they may be but differences nonetheless, with other similar substances. And these differences will often spell the safety concern of substances introduced in the body.

Deer antler velvet has been studied to contain about 53 percent of proteins, around 34 percent of minerals, 10 percent water, and 3 percent fats or lipids. It also contains 21 amino acids, 13 growth factors, and about 20 or so glycosaminoglycans. Depending on what part of the deer antler you get, you will have varying proportions of minerals and trace elements as well. For example, if you need more of the growth factors, the proteins, and the lipids, you definitely would want to go for the deer antler tips and the upper portion of the antler. If you are after the minerals and moisture, then you should go for the base of the deer antler.

Is deer antler velvet extract safe?

To give you an idea, it contains amino acids, insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2, epidermal growth factor, and collagen which are all important structural components of the body’s cells and tissues. It also contains glycosaminoglycans like glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid, all of which are important parts of the cartilage and the joints of the body. Deer antler velvet extract also contain phospholipids, prostaglandins, and glycosphingolipids for cellular health and reduction of inflammation. Calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, and potassium are all very important minerals for muscle and nerve functioning, nerve transmission, fluid and electrolyte balance, and bone and teeth development. Selenium, sulphur, copper, iron, zinc, and cobalt are also very important in a variety of physiologic processes including antioxidant protection, insulin regulation, enzymatic reactions, red blood cell formation, oxygen transport, cellular repair and regeneration, and cellular protection. Deer antler velvet extract also contains erythropoietin for stimulation of red blood cell production and monoamine-oxidase inhibitors to help regulate mood.

All of these substances are naturally found in the body. Given in our analogy that substance A is not necessarily substance B, and vice versa, it is thus safe to assume that deer antler velvet essentially contains substance As that are similar to the substance As present in the body. That said, it is considered to be generally safe.

Monday 25 April 2016

Deer Antler Velvet Costs - Your Ultimate Guide

If you are looking for more information on the popular deer antler velvet supplement, including the average deer antler velvet costs you can expect to pay if you want to buy a quality supplement that contains this ingredient, then you’ve come to the right place.

 In this guide, we’re going to give you some general information on the key benefits this supplement can provide, as well as how much you need to pay if you decide to purchase from a respected brand. With this in mind, let’s learn more.

To begin with, there are a wide variety of benefits associated with the deer antler velvet supplement. In particular, the supplement is often highly prized by bodybuilders who like to use this supplement to receive a wide range of benefits such as improved libido, better joint health, increased recovery, and balanced iron levels. Interestingly, there is scientific evidence to suggest that this supplement can provide all of these benefits and many additional ones.

Antler Farms
Antler Farms

What’s more, it’s also thought that deer antler velvet has the ability to affect both male and female hormones, with a strong focus on boosting your natural production of hGH. Of course, this can play a key role when it comes to increasing your lean muscle mass, as well as strengthening bone density and possibly increasing your height. Ultimately, hGH has a huge effect on the body, and anything you can do to alter its balance within the body is likely to have a significant effect.

It’s also worth noting that there are very few side effects associated with this supplement, so it’s generally safe for most people to use. However, there have been a few cases of people having a minor allergic reaction, so it’s always best to take a small dose first before you commit to any large supplementation routine that involves this particular ingredient.

Now that you understand the basics of what deer antler velvet can do for you, which supplements are worth the money?

At the moment, there are many different brands who are selling this ingredient in supplement form, so it’s not always easy to decide which company you should go with.

Something you need to consider is the overall deer antler velvet costs associated with each brand. For example, the most popular version of this supplement from GNC is the sports IGF – 1 Extreme deer antler supplement, which generally receives very good reviews. When it comes to the costs, you can expect to pay around $25-$30 for this product, but the prices can greatly vary depending on where you purchase from.

Additionally, there are several more affordable outlets and even a few which sell more expensive versions of this ingredient. However, it’s worth pointing out that the places that sell for a higher price will usually give you additional ingredients within the supplement, so you will have more powerful supplement in general.

Overall, it’s clear to see that investing in a quality deer antler velvet supplement is a fantastic decision if you’re aiming to improve your libido or increase your lean muscle mass.

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Understanding Deer Spray Made from an Extract

New Zealand has been farming certain species of deer for one particularly good reason: to harvest the antler. And this is not to be hung on the wall nor made as an ornament. It has an entirely different purpose: deer antler velvet spray.

Long been used in New Zealand and Russia for its athletic performance enhancing effects and in China and Korea for its medicinal properties, deer velvet antler has only been in Western consciousness because of the Ray Lewis debacle of Super Bowl in 2013. After the controversy almost everyone in the western hemisphere began asking about what deer antler velvet spray really is.

New Zealand’s veterinarians are the only ones legally permitted to harvest the antlers of Sika deer, moose, red deer, or elk. While livestock owners can perform the harvesting themselves, they are still required to be supervised by a duly licensed veterinarian. This is to ensure that the harvesting process will proceed as humanely as possible, with as less trauma and injury to the animal as possibly can. As such, anesthesia is used to tranquilize the deer and prepare the antler to be sawn off.

The antler should not be more than two-thirds the size of the fully grown antler. This is a fundamental requirement so that the antler is still pretty much composed of soft cartilaginous materials and not the hard fully calcified one. The cartilaginous nature of deer velvet is what gives it its amazing benefits in terms of cellular growth and tissue repair.

The harvested deer antler is dried then pulverized before individually packaged into powdered preparations, capsules, or even as aqueous alcohol extracts. Some European countries like Spain, Bulgaria, and Norway list deer antler velvet alcohol extract as a food supplement classified as biologically active. In most Asian countries, deer antler is either processed sliced or dried.

In the US, deer spray is now gaining recognition for its supposed cellular healing properties. Containing growth factors that stimulate the different protein building blocks that form and develop cells, deer spray has been used by many societies in the management of physical growth and developmental delays among children. Its effects on cellular growth, repair, and regeneration have been well studied to be beneficial in the promotion of optimum bone, muscle, and nerve growth.

It is for this reason that many countries in outside the US are using deer antler velvet in the management of a variety of orthopedic, muscular, and neuronal problems. Some of the world’s top athletes also use deer spray to improve muscle strength and cardiovascular endurance.

Deer spray. The extract that has been powering some of the world’s best athletes and helping countless others lead healthier lives.

Monday 28 December 2015

Benefits Of Deer Antler Extract Formula

Deer Antler extract formula has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine and Eastern medicine. Although it has long been popular in numerous countries, athletes in US as well as other western countries can also be increasingly applying this extract to enhance performance in a natural manner.

The antler extract has a variety of benefits including enhancing metabolism, reducing the recovery time from injury, gaining muscle mass and strength, boosting immune system, boosting mental alertness, improving quality of s1eep and much better hormonal balance and others. Many people are not aware of the fact that the antlers can grow by around 1 inch daily.

In simple terms, antlers possess the fastest growth rate in body organs when it comes to animal kingdom. These antlers can grow up to several pounds in weight and may grow over 6 feet in diameter. There is absolutely no other animal that has such high growth rate. These antlers are full of IGF-1, various protein-based structures as well as other growth factors. Numerous studies conducted all over the world have proven the beneficial effects of Deer Antler extract formula.

Research research has shown this extract formula helps with enhancing cell growth rate. The cartilage contains numerous growth factors that is the cause of its high growth rate. Another research report states how the extract formula is not merely useful when you are enhancing cell growth rate but it additionally has some anti-viral components.

A hormone generally known as insulin like growth factor - one IGF-1 has been proven to promote cell growth. Research research indicates that Antler cells can produce insulin like growth factor-one their own personal. As we grow older, the amount of various growth hormones including IGF-I falls in humans that leads to a deterioration of muscle and immunity process. The deer antlers extract works well for providing much needed growth factors on the body that keep muscles toned and the entire body slim.

The deer antler extract first gained prominence in the event it emerged that Russian Olympic athletes have used it to increase endurance and powerful muscular strength. Consequently, athletes around the globe have used this antler extract successfully for several years.

This extract has also been proven to assist in lowering the arterial blood pressure level. In the research study conducted in Japan, it had been found that 80 in the patients were able to reduce their systolic blood pressure levels by up to 70 points along with the diastolic blood pressure levels was reduced by approximately 20 points. In simple terms, over 80 from the subjects could lower their blood pressure levels with the help of antler extract. It operates by increasing the the circulation of blood in the body and in addition it assists in improving the formation of red blood cells.

Deer antler extract is traditionally used by athletes in China, Korea and Russia to further improve performance inside a natural manner. Increasingly more athletes in US are also applying this extract like a training aid to recoup faster from injury and also to prevent injuries. It also helps in increasing performance by enhancing the oxygen carrying capacity from the blood.

Overall, there are a variety of advantages of taking pure Deer Antler extract on a regular basis.

Monday 30 November 2015

Many Benefits Of Deer Antler Extract Formula

Deer Antler extract formula has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine and Eastern medicine. While it has always been popular in many countries, athletes in US and other western countries are also increasingly using this extract to enhance performance in a natural manner. 

The antler extract has a variety of benefits including enhancing metabolism, lowering the recovery time from injury, gaining muscle mass and strength, boosting immune system, boosting mental alertness, improving quality of sleep and better hormonal balance among others. Many people are not aware of the fact that the antlers can grow by up to 1 inch per day.

In simple terms, antlers have the fastest growth rate in body organs when it comes to animal kingdom. These antlers can grow up to several pounds in weight and can grow over 6 feet in diameter. There is no other animal that has such high growth rate. These antlers are rich in IGF-1, various protein-based structures and other growth factors. A number of research studies conducted all over the world have proven the beneficial effects of Deer Antler extract formula.

Research studies have shown that this extract formula helps in enhancing cell growth rate. The cartilage contains a number of growth factors that is the reason for its high growth rate. Another research report states that the extract formula is not only helpful in enhancing cell growth rate but it also has some anti-viral components. 

A hormone known as insulin like growth factor - one (IGF-1) has been known to promote cell growth. Research studies have shown that Antler cells can produce insulin like growth factor-one their own. With age, the level of various growth hormones including IGF-I goes down in humans that leads to a deterioration of muscle and immune system. The deer antlers extract helps in providing much needed growth factors to the body that keep muscles toned and body slim.

The deer antler extract first gained prominence when it emerged that Russian Olympic athletes have been using it for increasing endurance and strong muscular strength. Since then, athletes all around the world have been using this antler extract successfully for many years.

This extract has also been proven to help in reducing the arterial blood pressure. In a research study conducted in Japan, it was found that 80% of the patients were able to reduce their systolic blood pressure by up to 70 points and the diastolic blood pressure was reduced by up to 20 points. In simple terms, over 80% of the subjects were able to lower their blood pressure with the help of antler extract. It works by improving the blood circulation in the body and it also helps in enhancing the formation of red blood cells.

Deer antler extract is widely used by athletes in China, Korea and Russia to enhance performance in a natural manner. More and more athletes in US are also using this extract as a training aid to recover faster from injury and to prevent injuries. It also helps in increasing performance by enhancing the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.

Overall, there are a number of benefits of taking pure Deer Antler extract on a regular basis.